Monday, November 14, 2011


With the holiday season just around the corner, I have been thinking a lot lately about possible gifts for family members and close friends. I absolutely LOVE giving people gifts, or even just doing or making things for them that help them out or make them smile. It makes my soul happy :).

But, I have also been thinking about how much our culture values things. It seems like there is always some new gadget or toy out that everyone just has to have. It is always more, more, more...never enough. It is sickening really when you put into perspective how little most of the world has...

The main thing that put me on this train of thought was trying to decide what to get Gavin for Christmas. I thought about it on and off for about a week, and still I couldn't really come up with much. I just had it in my mind that we had to get him something BIG...and it annoyed me when I couldn't think of anything.

But, then I stopped, and realized that focusing so much of my energy and thought on this was ridiculous. In two short years of life, Gavin has accumulated more toys than any kids needs. And most of it is only played with once in a blue moon--if then! He is far more entertained when I give him things around the house to play with, or involve him in activites that I am doing. Why is it that we are programmed to always think that we need more junk, even when our home is overflowing with it? I would even go so far as to say that society makes parents feel guilty it they do not buy these things for their children. Like they are bad parents. Sickening.

So, this year my husband and I have decided to make embrace simplicity. I have searched around for things that we can make as gifts...things that Gavin & Lilia will value and get much more use out of that the latest, greatest piece of electronic crap. Things that they will love playing with, and that will also stimulate their little minds and imaginations. Things that will create memories. I have a couple of ideas already. I promise to post about them as we make them :).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Crochet Baby Legwarmers!

The weather has been getting pretty chilly lately here in VA, so I made baby legwarmers for Lilia! I think they would also be cute on baby boys, especially in the neutral, earthy colored yarn that I used to make them. The pattern is from CrazySocks Crochet and the link is  here.

I am absolutely in love with these things! The pattern is easy to follow and I was able to finish them both in about an hour and a half-- and that is with both of the kiddos awake. So, they would definitely make a good nap-time craft :). I think I'm even going to blow up the pattern and make myself some.

Ps. Sorry about the poor quality of the digital camera broke and I am currently using my phone's camera.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


This video made me laugh, so I thought I would share. Happy Thursday :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

{Fall}ing in Love.

I honestly can't believe that November is almost halfway over. Craziness, I tell you! But then again, I guess the past month or so has kind of been a blur of sleepless nights (which are admittedly mostly my own fault, and not the baby's), breastfeeding sessions, and dirty diapers. Good Lord, there are a lot of diapers!

Whenever I see the beautiful fall leaves that adorn the trees this time of the year, it reminds me that God is truly an artist.

So, before the frost comes in, the leaves die out, and winter arrives, I thought that I would post some ideas and activities that scream "fall," along with some pictures of us mixed in. Enjoy :)

My lil' pumpkin butt picking her first pumpkin. Isn't her hat precious? It was made by her wonderful grandmother. You can get one here.).

The Thankful Tree
What a lovely way to visualize all the little things that you are thankful for. From Simply Vintagegirl.

Make a Pumpkin Pie Monster smoothie, from OhSheGlows. I made this the other day for my hubby and I, and it was scrumptious. Tastes exactly like pumpkin pie and is healthy. Say what?!

Gavin with his pumpkin last year. He has since stopped posing, or even stopped moving long enough for us to take decent pictures. *See picture below for comparison*


Side braid
Don a cute cardigan and style your hair in a messy side braid, like this. How to is here. I am loving the red hair, too. I smell hair dye in my near future...:)

 Pinned Image
Steal Borrow one of your husband's plaid shirts, and tie it up like this. Which, FYI does NOT look cute if you have huge boobs and no butt (story of my life)...the back of the shirt turns out all long and poofy.

The Pembrooke Blazer (large)
Because pugs need $80 blazers, too. Found at etsy, of course.

Make a batch of Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows. They taste awesome in s'mores, lattes, hot chocolate, etc.

And, definitely, definitely make this. The recipe says that it will last about 2 weeks in the fridge...but, trust me, it will not last you that long. Especially if you use it to make these cupcakes. And then eat the rest of it with a spoon. Which I'm not saying I did ;).

"Mama, I make vegetables!"

                                               These jammies don't fit her anymore! Ahhh!

Now, go outside, drink some cider, and jump in a big ol' pile of leaves! Doooo iiiiiiit.


"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

George Eliot

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Beginning.

Hello world. I have been debating back and forth for a while about whether or not I should start a blog. On one hand, I thought it would be nice to be able to refer friends and family all to one place when they ask how we are doing. Because, let's be honest--if you know me, then you know that I do not like talking on the phone--it is nothing personal to anyone, it's just the way I am...I am working on it ;). But, on the other hand, I am a very private person, and I didn't know if I wanted to open our lives to the world like that.

But, alas, here we are. So, obviously I have decided to create a blog. This will be a place to share my thoughts, interests, activities, and whatever little bits and pieces of our everyday lives that I think are fit to print. This will be a place to show my love for Christ, and how He has, and will, continue to impact our lives. This will be a place to express my love of motherhood and being a wife, and everything that comes along with it. This will be a place to document my love of everything homemade--whether it be crafts, clothes, toys, etc. Oh, and yes, there will be food...because again, if you know me then you know I am obsessed with every aspect of food--the recipes, the cooking, the eating.

And I mean, come on...with as many craft/motherhood/cooking blogs that I follow, it is only fitting that I start one of my own ;).

So, hello world. Please, bear with me as I get this started :).