Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Been Awhile...

Hello, world!

Life has been....

Crazy. Busy. Wonderful.

Summer is swiftly coming to an end, something that we are celebrating around these parts, thanks to the incessant heat and humidity. Words cannot express how ready I am for fall!!

The babies have been growing in so many ways. Gavin's hair has grown back out, and his curls are completely unruly and absolutely adorable. Lilia is 11 months old today, and the first tooth has begun to peek through her gum. I can't believe that, by the end of next month, I will be the mama of a three year old and a one year seems impossible that time has passed us by so quickly...but, I guess that's what happens when you are enjoying life. And enjoying it, we are!

I have been having a lot of slow motion moments lately...moments in which it seems that my mind is trying to to take snapshots of life, moments that I want to preserve forever. Like how Gavin climbs up on my lap and snuggles every time he gets sad or tired. Or how Lilia wants to follow me everywhere...even into the bathroom. And then, all I can think about is how with each day that passes these moments are going to become fewer and fewer...*tears*. Stupid hormones. But, I know that they will be replaced by new moments, moments that will be just as sweet in their own way :). Being a mommy is tough!

With each passing day our faith is growing stronger and stronger. I have been relying completely on God in ways that I was too afraid to before. Worrying less, praying more. And He always provides. ALWAYS.

We have also been making big strides in regards to our health. We still need to get on track with working out consistently, but we have definitely been eating healthier. It is fun experimenting with and tasting new foods that I never would've given a second glance before. We hardly ever eat meat anymore after watching the documentary "Forks Over Knives." We rented it from our local library a couple of months ago, and it was really must have been if it convinced my "meat & potatoes" hubby to hop on board! Since making several healthy changes to our diet, I have been feeling great! Another surprising thing, is that whenever we cave and give into our cravings for fast-food, we feel AWFUL physically, and regret it almost immediately. I won't get into details, but it is NOT pretty lol. It is amazing how our bodies know what is truly best for us :). I must admit, though, that I have the worst sweet tooth...seriously! It's no good at all. So that is something that I will be working on getting over soon...very reluctantly ;).

Well, I suppose that is it for now. I'll try not to be such a stranger!



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